Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Death Cure

      Since I have finished Eleanor Roosevelt and have almost nothing else to read, I decided to read the third book in the Maze Runner series. The Death Cure. I haven't really read much, but so far it is great. At the end of the last book, the gladers, the girl gladers, Teresa, Aris, Jorge, and Brenda make it to safe haven. They all get nicer clothes, take showers, eat, and just hang out. Thomas decides to take a nap, but when he wakes up he's in a different room. He hears Teresa in his head, but all she says it that WICKED took Thomas away from the rest of the group. After he is informed about his where a bouts, he tells Teresa not to contact him through their minds anymore.

      So far, this book is amazing. I decided to talk about the connection between Thomas and Teresa. It is very strong. Just by the way they react to each other with everything they do. Like when Teresa and Aris were forced to kiss, Thomas had a cringe attack. Or when Thomas told Teresa that he couldn't trust her anymore, she flinched, like it was the worst thing to hear. They can also communicate telepathically, which is pretty cool. Thomas and Teresa have a strong connection, that I dont think could be broken easily. I can tell that later in this book, they will all find each other, and Teresa and Thomas will still be as strong, as before. Maybe even stronger. Hopefully Thomas and the gladers meet up again. I am really excited to read the rest of the book.

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